When it comes to warehouse safety, everyone can benefit from implementing and maintaining safety procedures. Employee satisfaction and productivity increase while the risk of injury, workplace disruptions, and damage decrease. Who doesn’t want that?
Kardex Remstar is one of the most trusted names in the industry, so when they lay out tips, we all benefit from listening. Below are eight safety best practices found in 55 Warehouse & Distribution Best Practices, a recent article from Kardex Remstar. As one of our trusted suppliers, I highly recommend checking out all 55 best practices when you have a moment. For now, we’ll focus on eight tips for improving warehouse safety, courtesy of Kardex Remstar.
- CYA: Cover Your Assets! Employees are your most valuable asset, so give them a great work environment that will aid in retention. Touch base with them frequently to make sure they understand their roles and are comfortable with them. Meanwhile, job shadowing can help you determine if someone is better suited in a different position.
- Signs, Signs, Everywhere Signs! The proper signage and labels can keep your warehouse moving forward. To direct people and stay organized, make sure your signage is clear and easy to understand. Also, consider posting floor maps to provide additional information for visitors, as this can help you avoid accidents and major cleanups.
- It’s a Job, Not a Gym. In a warehouse, workers pick things up and put them down, all.day.long. Make it easier for your employees to lift heavier product by integrating ergonomic hoists and lifts. Let them bulk at the gym, not on the warehouse floor. This will improve worker ergonomics and reduce worker compensation claims.
- SKUs of a Feather, Stock Together. Store SKUs frequently picked together in the same picking location to reduce travel and search time for the picker. Eliminating inefficiencies such as visiting the same pick face multiple times a day increases worker productivity.
- Skills to Pay the Bills. Provide proper certifications for all necessary staff to ensure everything is being operated by trained, skilled and certified professionals to reduce the risk of injury, workers compensation claims and safety violations.
- Get In the (Golden) Zone. Reduce bending and reaching by organizing products in the golden zone, the area between the waist and shoulders. This improves worker ergonomics, increases picking productivity, and reduces employee backaches.
- Watch Your Step(s). Employees reaching their Fitbit step goals during their work shift is good for them, but not so good for you. Fit your employees with pedometers, or a much cooler techy gadget, to document their steps and walking time – then find ways to reduce that wasted time. No
one likes an overachiever.
- Get Lean: Trim the Fat. Take a look at your processes to determine where you can improve. Minimize product touches, reduce wasted steps and re-allocate the time spent doing these activities elsewhere for a more productive outcome.
Warehouse Safety Solutions
If you’re interested in warehouse safety programs and how you can reduce risks in your facility, click here to learn more.
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