The impact of e-commerce, increased SKUs and just-in-time demands place an extra complexity to how manufacturing facilities and distribution centers operate.
The impact of e-commerce, increased SKUs and just-in-time demands place an extra complexity to how manufacturing facilities and distribution centers operate. How does one incorporate Internet of Things (IoT), advanced robotics, wireless technologies and/or other cutting-edge solutions?
In this special report, lift truck providers reveal trends, challenges, solutions and what cold food and beverage processors need to know in order to keep the cold food industry moving forward.
Turning data into intelligence
Data is key to understanding how a business operates. Data provides intel on customer’s habits, costs and movements. It shines the light on efficiencies and wastes, and brings customers closer to manufacturers and distributors, says Darren Stratton, product manager, PressOn material handling for Camso, Canada.
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