My mentor, boss, and friend John used to write a blog recapping the previous year. Here is my take on 2024.
- a desktop card index used to record names, addresses, and telephone numbers in the form of a rotating spindle or a small tray to which removable cards are attached.
2024 Musings
Being President and CEO of a company is very fulfilling, especially when you surround yourself with such an amazing team. As John used to say, “Nobody is more important in the organization. We just have different roles.” How true.
Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and Cyber Week all had considerable increases in sales revenue compared to 2023—hopefully a great indicator for 2025.
Is it just me, or does it feel like the election happened several months ago?
Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs) continue to be the buzz in the Material Handling World. There are close to 150 manufacturers in the game today.
You don’t need to say close friend. You just know.
Abel Womack had record revenue numbers in 2024, an increase of nearly 50% from 2021. Way to go, team!! And our headcount is up by 100 since 2014—a dynasty in the making.
Don’t believe them when they say, “Company acquisitions are easy.”
Although the volume of forklifts sold in our territory is considerably off from 2022 and 2023 because of customer pull-forward orders due to lead times, they are settling back into 2021 levels, which were record numbers at the time. And the industry is showing a slight increase in 2025. Always the optimist.
In 2020-2021, there were too few flu illnesses to report a number. In 2021-2022, there were 11 million cases. This past year, there were over 40 million cases. Go figure.
Those commercials about acting like your parents are spot on.
Going from a calendar year to a fiscal year takes a little getting used to.
I am surprised more people do not stay at one company for their entire career. If you find a comfortable, challenging, and fun workplace, embrace it. I’m going on year 37 and couldn’t be happier. And there are several who have been here longer than me!
The Material Handling Industry is not sexy, but you can’t live without it. Everything you own, use, eat, etc., goes through the process. It’s pretty cool to be part of something that will continue to be a forever player in everybody’s lives.
Just when you think you have your arms around New England weather, it changes.
I hope everyone had a happy holiday season and will enjoy a very prosperous and healthy New Year!
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